

In both figures below, the lines indicate the following events:

Observations for anxiety

  • Anxiety, worries and stress are usually expressed in about 4.1% of tweets.
  • The events around Covid-19 led to the highest values so far, with 7% of tweets containing anxiety related words.
  • This corresponds to an increase of 67% compared to an average day in 2019.

Prosocial behavior since the outbreak of Covid-19

In most countries in which expressions of anxiety have risen since the outbreak of Covid-19, expressions of empathy, willingness to support each other and cooperate (in short, prosocial behavior) have increased as well. The increase begins at different moments in different countries, probably depending on which information people had about Covid-19 in other countries, and on which measures were communicated in what way by their governments.

In the plot below, the lines indicate the following events:

Percent change in prosocial tweets relative to the average level in 2019

In the figure below, a value of zero corresponds to the average level in 2019, and everything above or below to an increase or decrease in comparison to this level. The figure on the left displays the evolution over time since 1 January 2020. The small figure on the right shows the mean difference from the 2019 baseline before and after the day since which the level of prosocial terms on Twitter lies and remains above the baseline.

Observations for prosocial behavior

  • Since the first death, which occured shortly before social Boris Johson recommended to practice social distancing, expressions of willingness to help have risen sharply by 15% compared to the baseline in 2019.
  • They have remained at relatively high levels since then.


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